Workplace Investigations
H & R Workplace Strategies prides itself on professional independent workplace investigations. We understand the importance of maintaining healthy workplace environments in the midst of employee or employer issues and how critical it is to deal with these matters effectively and quickly. Outsourcing your investigation to experts in this field is an integral part of achieving this.
H & R Workplace Strategies have conducted regular investigations in the following areas:
Allegations of work health and safety issues
Serious misconduct cases
Employee grievances against other staff
Board of Director issues
Discrimination complaints
Performance management
Bullying and harassment claims
We conduct interviews with relevant parties and witnesses, diligently analyse documents and provide a comprehensive independent privileged report which can withstand legal scrutiny.
Often, the results of the investigation give rise to broader concerns around an organisation. We ensure that any such concerns are addressed to reduce the risk of similar issues arising again.
Legal Representation
H & R Workplace Strategies can represent you in any Tribunal, Court or Commission with jurisdiction over workplace and industrial law matters. We provide a proactive business approach to pending litigation with the primary aim of keeping businesses out of formal litigation in order to reduce costs and reputational damage.
Where litigation cannot be avoided, we will work with you at every stage of the process to ensure the best possible outcome. Our significant level of experience in all forms of workplace relations and industrial dispute litigation puts our clients in the best position possible from the outset.
We also help our clients strategically manage the unions, other lawyers, the media and workplace cultures as part of our case management.
Mediation & Dispute Resolution
H & R Workplace Strategies prides itself on keeping clients from formal litigation by adopting pro-active measures. An important aspect of this is H & R Workplace Strategies utilisation of differing dispute resolution services.
We have made careers out resolving disputes at the workplace. We are accredited mediators and in 10 years of utilising this form of dispute resolution have not had one matter proceed past the mediation.
Contracts of Employment
Terms and conditions of employment are one of the most essential aspect of the employment relationship. The impact of getting this wrong can have adverse ramification to businesses from before the relationship commences to the end of employment.
H & R Workplace Strategies will tailor employment contracts to the business and the person being employed to ensure they accurately reflect what is understood by the parties to be their respective duties and obligations as well as legally compliant.
Culture Reviews
H & R Workplace Strategies undertakes evidence based cultural reviews as a pre-emptive strategy to identify organisational or departmental issues that are difficult to assess from within. These reviews identify areas of concerns and make short and long term recommendations for resolving them, ultimately reducing legal risk and reputational damage and improving employee satisfaction and productivity.
Comprehensive reports are provided as part of this process, being the foundation stone of change management where needed.
We also work with businesses to advise on how to best implement change with minimal disruption to the organisation and with the confidence of all stakeholders.
Education & Training
H & R Workplace Strategies specialises in all aspects of people management training including:
Management coaching and mentoring
Leadership training
People Management
Preparing for difficult conversations
Bullying training
How and when to conduct an investigation
Alternative dispute resolution training
Understanding and maximising your Award or Enterprise Agreement
We also develop specific training packages for individual businesses.
Enterprise Agreements
H & R Workplace Strategies are experts in ensuring your enterprise agreements meet your business requirements. H & R Workplace Strategies assist you through your business strategy; negotiation tactics; workplace practicalities; and the complex processes and forms required for the agreement to pass the Fair Work Commission’s “better off overall” test.
Policies & Procedures
Policies and procedures often cause business more problems than any other aspect of the employment relationship.
H & R Workplace Strategies understand regular assessments of workplace policy and procedure handbooks and provide advice and drafting of policies that best protect particular business interests.
Strategic Planning
Richard has been a Director, Executive Director and Executive Manager for well over a decade and is passionate about businesses maximising their strategic planning sessions. All too often strategic planning is undertaken on an annual basis, then filed away in a drawer never to be seen until the next years review.
H & R Workplace Strategies helps with the facilitation of meaningful and engaging strategic planning sessions and subsequent reporting and measuring of outcomes to ensure the plan is being properly implemented.
Workplace Relations Advice
H & R Workplace Strategies prides itself on providing strategic practical advice on a wide range of issues including:
Award and legislative interpretations
Unfair dismissal and other employment claims
Contracts of employment and policies and procedures
Performance management
Discrimination claims
Industrial disputes