The team at H&R Workplace Strategies have been super busy this year working with clients in the ever changing COVID landscape and of course providing support to assist with the day to day of workplace relations including workplace investigations and mediations. Our hats off to all of the CEOs and HR Managers we have had the privilege to support – every one of you has gone above and beyond your roles to keep businesses rolling and look after staff.
Whilst normal is a concept we may have to let go of for now, never has it been more important for employers to carefully manage employment obligations and work health and safety duties.
Vaccines and mandatory vaccination programs have received a lot of media attention and together with the intense messaging about keeping people safe and the constantly changing rules, it can be hard to stay on top of it all.
Whilst the number of things we can’t control right now is frustrating, managing your work, health and safety obligations is an area we can take the reins on. They are absolutely critical to review and update as businesses work in the current environment or as part of their planning for re-opening. How you manage these obligations will be impacted by factors such as your industry, types of work performed and circumstances of individual employees.
If you are in need of support in relation to the creation of COVID policies, advice around consultation obligations, work health and safety and restructuring, then please reach out. We have developed a tool box full of resources to assist you during this time such as policies, employee survey questions and communications for customers and staff.
Finally, thank you to all of our loyal clients who despite the adverse times have continued to support our business whilst we try to help look after yours. And for those also juggling home schooling – we salute you!
Till soon,
H&R Team
For more info contact us:
Helen – 0433 656 399
Richard – 0408 611 850
